Want to Experience Life More Fully?
June 2013
Welcome new readers and a warm hello to those who’ve been reading this newsletter for awhile! We’re now in the last week of the Jewish month of Sivan, the month in which we celebrate the giving- and receiving- of the Torah.
Related to this theme, I’ve been reflecting on what it means to receive. We hear a lot about how important it is to give. We are taught that it’s better to give than to receive, and that in giving we receive.
What about the other side of the equation? Are there blessings in receiving? I’d like to suggest that putting more attention and care into receiving can enhance our lives, as well as those of others.
Sadly, many of us have come to believe that it is not so good to receive. This way of thinking often results in limiting ourselves, and as a consequence, not enjoying life as fully as we might otherwise.
Reluctance to receive can also have an impact on others. Most of us have had the experience of offering someone a gift, and finding them unwilling or reluctant to receive it. Perhaps because they don’t feel they deserve to receive, or are embarrassed or even ashamed to receive.
Consider the following quotes:
- “Gracious acceptance is an art …. We think that we have to learn how to give, but we forget about accepting things, which can be much harder than giving….” Alexander McCall Smith
- “There is a secret about human love that is commonly overlooked: Receiving it is much more threatening than giving it…. Much as we proclaim the wish to be truly loved, we are often afraid of that, and so find it difficult to open to love or let it all the way in.” John Welwood
Imagine how it would feel if you could allow yourself to receive more fully. I invite you to experiment with receiving in your life. Here are some ideas:
- When a friend shares something meaningful with you, take a moment to really let it in before responding.
- When something touches you- something in nature, something you read, or a compelling idea that you might hear– take time to let it in before moving on to the next thing.
Want to take this a step further? Notice how it feels in your body, in your heart to take this in.
Then notice how it feels to take this time to receive.
Perhaps also notice what, if anything, might be in the way of your receiving. Doing this without judgement, with curiosity and an open heart.
And if you’d like, please do share with me what you notice. I always appreciate hearing from you–comments, requests for future topics you’d like to read about, hearing what’s up in your life these days, and simply saying hi are all welcome.
May the coming month be one of balance, awareness, and gentle receiving for you.